Saturday, June 09, 2012


I like this morning...
No alarm clock, just a slow fade into awareness like the old tv set we had as a kid... remember? the kind that sometimes you had to adjust the vertical, and when you turn it off there was this little white dot in the middle?
And remember the tv station signal pattern? and the sign off with the national anthem?
Remember recess to the playground?
Remember playing in the dirt with sticks, or poking ants or playing with pillbugs?
There was a time much different today when we didn't have cell phones, didn't have 24-hour news-channels, portable internet access or Siri.
There was a time when there was space in life to think deep thoughts, to dream rich dreams... to pause and reflect upon the amazing goodness within which God marinates us.
And so I celebrate this Jewish Sabbath with a lovely pause.
Thank you Jesus.
Into Your hands I commit my spirit.

ps- Please watch over my loved ones this summer.

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